
?? 纵观2019年度的考研写作考试,笔者有一种感受:写作话题日益固定,出题者似乎固定在“人生哲理”和“教育择业”这两个方向上,来回和考生捉迷藏,这种题材固定,而写法多样的倾向,值得即将参加2019年考研的学生注意。

??? ?这种出题方法比较“阴险”,考生看到了一道似曾相识的题目,人人可以畅所欲言,而问题恰恰就出在这个“畅所欲言”上。这种较为自由的写作出题思路对于考生至少产生以下三种影响

1.??? 主题日趋明朗化,写作自由度有所增加。考生看到题目之后,不会在主题判定上产生太大的难度,还会产生似曾相识的感觉。比如这篇英语一,既像是2004年的《终点也是起点》,也像是2012年的那次《乐观悲观》,考生不会有陌生感,也不会觉得无话可说,甚至觉得就是以前某篇作文的重考,但是也要稳定心态,深思熟虑再写。这种情况下,基础好一些的考生能充分展示其写作能力,而基础相对薄弱的考生也能依据题目,有所发挥。

2.??? 当然这么出题也有其“阴险”的一面,那就是很多考生就会越写越多、越写越快。最终写得越多,则错误越多;而写得越快则控制不住自己的思想,论证层次可能混乱。而没有背过的考生,平时没有积累,自然无话可说,字数不够导致低分。这样就防住了两类考生:没有背过范文的考生和背过范文的考生。

3.??? 评分更加客观。由于题目较为明确,每个人都可以写出一些内容,阅卷人将会较为认真地阅读考生的作文,并依据是否切题、行文流畅性、语言表述、语法、单词拼写这五个角度对作文做综合评定。存侥幸心理,希望用几个模板句或者一个“万能模板”无法顺利通过考试。




  write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below。 in your essay, you should:

describe the
picture briefly;

interpret the
implied meaning, and

give your comments

  write your answer on the answer sheet。


这次的图画不难,“面对面站着”(stand face to face)、“凝视”(star),“焦虑的神情”(an anxious appearance)都可以再次使用,如果加上一个心理描述,如犹豫(hesitant)、迷惘(confused),基本都可以写到三行左右,字数是有保证的。最后的文字暗示翻译也比较简明,还有口语化倾向,直接翻译即可得分。如果能想到too…to句型,那么第一个文字暗示就不用写两个“我”字,这样避免了重复。





????? 我不太明白的是,为什么今年的人物造型中,右侧那个人物为什么像是个白人?莫非是在暗示东西对抗,西方的没落,以及东方文明的崛起?


in a distinctive
art style, the picture above vividly depicts two young people(excursionists), who
are standing face to face on a long and broad road. the man on the right side
stares at his friend (traveling companion), with an anxious appearance on the
face (cheeks). he appears extremely depressed, murmuring, “i’m too tired to keep
on climbing the hill.” his friend looks confident, saying(exclaiming), “don’t
stop! let’s continue climbing the hill after a short break. ”

??? 该图以独特艺术风格描绘了两个年轻人(旅游者),他们面对面地站在一条宽广的道路上。右面的人凝视自己的朋友(旅伴),脸上带着焦虑的表情。他显得很压抑,低声说:“我累了,不爬了。” 他的朋友则看起来很仔细,对他说(对他喊道):“别(停)啊!(让我们)休息一会,再接着爬。”


这次的第二和第三段,不像2018 年那次,出得比较狠,将“创新”、“教育”出在一起。那次考试依稀可以看到2013年的影子,如果直接套写“抉择”,有些句子需要微调,不能一味默写。相比之下,2017年的“有书和读书”也是这个出题方法,即使考生背过相关的范文,也要将背过的素材换一个合适的角度进行论证,不能生搬硬套,用通俗一些的话说,就是“不要背模板。”


? ? as implied in this picture, persistence
is always of great importance on the road towards personal development.
however, it is disturbing to find that some young people seem to lack this
spirt (behavior pattern) in their daily life. here, i’d like to mention some
of their personal experience as typical examples for my interpretation of
this picture. for one thing, they tend to underestimate their own potential,
exaggerating the difficulties ahead. for another thing, these people often
admit failures easily, even though there might be some temporary setbacks. in
this situation, passive emotions are often displayed, particularly anxiety,
bewilderment and depression. under this influence, lit is barely possible for
them to display a competitive spirit and explorative awareness are gradually,
let alone confront challenges ahead.

?????? in my view,
despite the fact that positive encouragement is provided from their partners,
it is essential that these young people show dedication and devotion. it is
in vain to wait, hesitate or fear. in the world full of uncertainties, one’s
attitude will finally decide his altitude.







l? 2012年的《乐观》

l? 2004年的《终点起点》



part b

directions write
an essay based on the following chart. in your essay, you should interpret the
chart, and give your


you should write
about i50 words neatly on the answer sheet(15 points)



?????? 折腾一圈,图表题目还是没跑出计算和归纳两种情况。增减计算基本就能应对。第二段的写法也没离开教育择业。想想也是,其他选题,都可以用模板句封死,不考教育择业,考什么呢?大气雾霾?老年社会?是宏观的都不考,这回相信了吧?猜了半天,还是没考,自己吓唬自己。

as can be seen in the bar chart above, the percentage of
college students in application for a job was 68.1% in 2013, as compared to
60.7% in 2018, roughly down 7.4% within five years. in comparison, the
overall situation of students who wanted to further their studies or create a
career experienced a dramatic change, a climb of 7.7% and 1.3% respectively.
so it can be concluded that there was a diversification in the career plans
among many chinese students from 2013 to 2018.


three major factors are involved in the chart above. first and
foremost, economic stability and sustainable development is of great
importance in the career planning of many students. and it is found that many
young people have already formed this awareness in their daily life.
secondly, as is illustrated above, many students are in preference for
pursuing academic studies or establish their own career, both of which can provide
them with not only professional knowledge, but also practical skills. so when
overall quality is improved, it is easy for them to obtain more opportunities
in the job market. third and last, apart from the above facts, another aspect
also deserves our due attention: due to economic slowdown, competition
becomes intense in the job application. under this influence, it is
increasingly difficult to find a permanent work with handsome salary. so many
students are not willing to seek employment after graduation. 有三个因素和图表相关。首先,经济稳定性和可持续发展在学生的职业规划中十分重要,而且很多年轻人都已经具备这样的意识。其次,如上所示,很多学生偏爱于继续学业学习或者建立自己的事业,这两者不仅能为他们提供职业知识,还可以提供实用技能,当总体素质得以改变,他们更可能在工作市场中得到机会。第三、除了以上事实,还有一个方面值得注意:由于经济下滑,工作申请中出现的竞争日益激烈,找到一份长期稳定,拥有不错收入的工作越来越困难。因此很多学生并不愿意在毕业之后寻找工作。

?????? the trend above
will probably develop in many chinese cities in the predictable future.? so it is essential that an effective
feedback and supporting mechanism be set up as soon as possible. in this way,
students can receive more guidance and assistance in their job seeking. as
for the students, it is advised that they define their social needs and have
a clear sense of direction.

???? 以上的趋势或将在很多中国城市中存在。因此应该建立有效反馈和支持机制,这样学生们可以在就业的时候得到更多指导和 助。而年轻人们则需要看清自己的社会需求,表现出明确的发展方向。





l? 2012年的《工作满意度》

l? 模拟题练习3:大学生选专业

l? 模拟题练习4:大学生择业


? 第三部分:小作文

????? 英语一出了咨询回执,英语二则是变形考察邀请信。押中形式没有用,这两次出题,都是大作文的题材,变成了小作文。

????? 英语一,用爱心的方法套最为简单,就说有义卖活动,目的是给弱势群体提供 助就行。

????? 英语二,有点活,suggest a topic,让考生觉得似乎在考察建议信,如果考生能看到a debate,判断出这是个事件,那么用邀请信写,最为简单直接,就编写一个题目,然后说辩论的原因和目的,然后写期待回信就行了。如果从建议写,也不是不可以,反正是让你谈交通的问题,那谈一谈交通的整改,也无不可,就是不太好操控。

????? 上课的时候,重复了多次:一些大作文的题材,经常变成小作文,这回相信了吧?出现在大作文模板性强,变成小作文的第二段。

????? 这次信件命题,比较失败的是外国教授的名字,smith在英文里面是“工匠”的意思,也许命题者想用这个名字暗示“教书匠”的身份吧,可是smith在现代英文的俚语中,通常指出租车司机,也就是我们所说的“师傅”。不过命题者可以这样解释,美国也有史密斯学院,是高等教育 。凑合着看吧。还好,不是tom, jerry, stanley,你开心就好。


  suppose you are working for the “aiding rural primary school”
project of your university。 write an email to answer
the inquiry from an international student volunteer, specifying the details of
the project。

  you should write neatly on the anwser sheet。

  do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “li ming ” instead。

do not write the address。 (10 points)


dear my friend,

as the
chairman of an institution named aiding rural primary, i’m writing to
answer your inquiry in regard to this project.


??? 作为一个名为aiding rural primary机构的主席,我写这封信是为了回答你关于这个项目的咨询。

the information
below might be helpful for the international student volunteers. first,
some charity sales are usually held at campus from may to july. the event
usually last for about two hours each time. second, the institution is
calling for international student volunteers from each country. in this way,
we can not only raise donations, but also provide the disadvantaged groups in
the remote regions with some important daily necessities such as food and
clothes. third and last, through your patience and enthusiasm, the social
responsibility and moral obligation are fulfilled, and those people in
difficult situation can receive love, care and support.

??? 下面的信息也许对国际学生做志愿者有所 助。首先,一些慈善活动将于五月到七月间在校园句型。每次活动将持续大约两个小时。其次,本机构期待招募来自每个国家的志愿者。我们不仅能够筹集捐款,还可以为边远地区的弱势群体提供必要的生活品,如食品和衣服。最后,有了您的耐心和热情,社会责任和道德义务得以满足,而那些处在困境的人们也可以得到爱、照料和支持。

?????? we sincerely hope
that you can be one of the most contributing members in our team. if you have
some questions about this project, please don’t hesitate to contact me with
this e-mail. if you have a plan to visit china as a volunteer, would you
please also notify me your arrival time so that i can make some arrangement
in advance. look forward to your reply.

sincerely yours

li ming

?? 我们真诚地希望您能称为我们团队最有贡献的成员。如果您有问题,可以用这个邮件和我联系。如果你有愿意以志愿者身份访问中国,也可以告诉我您的到达时间,以便我提前做些安排。





l? 2013年的义卖活动真题作文



part a

suppose professor smith ask you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic,
write an email to him

1)suggest a topic
and with your reasons,

2) and your arrangement

you should write
about 200 words on the answer sheet

don’ t use your
own name, use”zhang wei instead. don t write your address. (10 points)


dear professor smith,

as a
student from china, i’m writing to kindly inform you of some details
in regard to a debate competition on the city traffic.

??? 作为来自中国的学生,我写信是为了告知您一些关于城市交通辩论的细节。

?????? it would be ideal
if the competition can be entitled the share
bicycles in a modern city. as what has been arranged, the event will be
held in the west wing of school library on may 11, 2019. the contest is going
to start at 1:30 p.m. of the day, and will last for about three hours. the
reason of holding this discussion is to define the role of shared
bicycles in a large city so that each citizen can enhance the environmental
awareness in their daily life. some elements are included, particularly
economics, social values and personal habits.?
?each student at the campus can
take part in this this event. i wonder if you are free at that time. i would
be delighted if you could attend this event as one of the most important

???? 将比赛题目定为“”现代都市中的共享单车”作为题目比较理想。按照安排,这次活动将于2019年5月11日在学校图书馆的西侧楼进行。比赛将在当天下午一点半开始,并持续三个小时。进行这次辩论的原因是界定共享单车在城市中的作用,以便于每个市民可以增强在生活中的环保意识。一些因素也包含其中,尤其是经济、社会价值以及个人生活习惯。每个在校学生都可以参加这次活动。我想知道您是否有时间,如果您能够作为最重要的评委出席此次活动,我将十分高兴。

???? thank you for your
kind attention to this communication. if you have some questions about this
arrangement, please don’t hesitate to contact me with this e-mail. look
forward to your arrival.?

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? sincerely

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? li





dear professor smith,

as a
student from china, i’m writing to kindly inform you of some details
in regard to a debate on the city traffic.


?????? first, it would be
ideal to choose a topic, particularly the shared bicycles in a modern
city. the major reason is that these bikes are of great importance in a large
city. and many citizens are in preference for using them, because they
provide the cyclists with convenience and efficiently. secondly, some
side-effects can also be brought into the discussion, for instance, the
environmental awareness and good manners in the daily use of these bicycles.
finally, i’m planning to arrange some participants to seek some measures to
solve the problems. for example, whether it is necessary to build an
effective mechanism to control the rapid increase of these bikes or encourage
the citizens to show a self-discipline.


i wonder if these arrangements are suitable for the
discussion. the debate will be held in the school library on may 11, 2019.
the discussion is going to start at 1:30 p.m. of the day, and will last for
about two hours. if you have some questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
me. look forward to your reply.




??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? sincerely

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? li





l? 第113页:2017年的文化讲座邀请真题作文

l? 第130页:建议信的考试方法论述

l? 第133页的真题作文《白色污染》







如果大家上过 的各种班级,那么应该熟悉各种题材写作了吧,这里不再赘述。那么什么体裁自己比较熟悉,什么体裁自己不熟悉,要逐一筛查,心里要有个准数。熟悉的放过去,不熟悉的多看一看,这样可以清晰地通过自测掌握复习程度:养老、爱心、身心健康、网络电讯、人生哲理、教育、诚信、文化、环保。现在考试就这么几个题材,来回来去地出题,可是你就是破解不了,为什么呢?复习得不细致是关键,各种主题词总结了没有?哪个话题自己比较熟悉?哪个话题不太熟悉?什么都没谱,不量化,到了考场上,就会犯晕。









??人生如戏,变量无数,怎么把握,还要灵活运用才好。玩游戏如此,写考研这样的作文也如此。 考研这场290万人参与的吃鸡游戏,总算告一段落。无论你是胜者为王,还是落地成盒?

? ? ? ? 每次看到大家伙凝重的神色,就想起吃鸡游戏中的这个场景。人生嘛,还不就是降落、跑毒、搏杀,再搏杀、跑毒、降落。休息休息吧,别太累了…….

? ? ?? 累了,不想写了。





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