厦门大学法学院导师简介周琛_ 厦大考研网(厦门大学法学院导师简介)





  born in a dry area of chinese northwest, i set my entire life to draw near water. with the very first opportunity of escaping, i choose wuhan to study in a university located pretty close to the yangzi river. six years later, catching a chance to go abroad to further education, i left my footprints on a country which had historically established above sea–the netherlands. sounds lots of water, isn’t it? however, this beautiful, nice tulips place turns out to be a transit point in the lifelong journey. now, gladly, i am sitting myself in the office two hundred meters away from the east ocean, within a equally beautiful, nice place—xiamen. will the next destination be to live in water, like a fish? who knows, with such a changing climate…

以上是 厦大考研网为考生整理的”厦门大学法学院导师简介:周琛”的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所 助!

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