background?????n. (家庭)背就粱学历;阅历
background information???布景信息????background music?????布景音乐
balance???n. 平衡???n.均势,均衡??????in the balance悬而未决,形式不明balance of power?(世界间)均势?????balance of trade生意差额
balloon?n. 气球?v. 胀大;鼓起 trade deficits have?ballooned生意逆差急剧扩展
bank??n. 银行?v. 存入银行?n. (河,湖)的岸;坡;堤????bankrate??银行利率
bar???n. 酒吧;吧台???n. 铁棒;(铁制)栅门
bar???n. 律师作业
bargain??n. 生意;协议?v. 交涉;还价还价?n. 廉价货,特价产品
eg: trade unions bargain withemployers for better conditions of pay and employment.??工会为争夺非常好的薪酬与作业条件与雇主交涉。
bark???v. (狗,狐狸)吠,叫;喊,叫
base???n. 基,底????v. 以…为基础;以…为根据
basic????adj. 根柢的;基础的;有必要的;简略的,朴素的
basic economic problems??根柢的经济疑问????basic education????基础教育
battery???n. 电池
battle?????n. 战争,战争;斗争,竞赛;
beach?????n. 海滩,海边
bear??????n. 熊;熊市??v. 负载;带着;带有,印有;承担,忍耐
beat???????v. 打,击;(心脏、脉息)跳动;打败???n.节奏,节拍
beg????????v. 恳求;恳请
belong?????v. 归于
bill???????n. 账单;法案,方案;钞票
bin???????n. 废物箱;储物箱,盒
bite??????v. 咬
blind?????adj.失明的;失掉判别力的,失掉沉着的?love is blind.?恋爱是盲意图。
block?????n. 大楼,大厦;街区;一大块??v. 阻止
?blood????n. 血液;血缘,家世,身世
?blow?????v. 吹;吹奏(乐器)n. 冲击
?board????n. 木板,平板;广告牌;董事会?v. 登上(火车,轮船,飞机)
boil??????v. 欢娱,????boiling ?water??????欢娱的,抵达沸点的水;
bottom????n. 底部,底;最底层;adj. 最底部的,最基层的;
bottom line???????最重要的要素;底线;最低标准;
bowl?????n. 碗;碗状物;
brain????n.脑;脑筋,才智???brain drain??人才外流
scholars, policymakers
, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well.
劈树:原句中共有三个谓语成份,“have debated”,“have looked at”和“has risen”,可以将原句分为三个独立的小分句。
第一分句为:scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes;
第二分句为:but few have looked at the side effect:;
第三分句为:family risk has risen as well;
造竹:第一分句同第二分句为转机联络的并排规划,第三分句是由冒号引出的同位语从句,对“the side effect”进行说明阐明。
第一分句为:scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes;
?“stripes”的意义为“条纹”,因为美国国旗为星条旗,也叫“stars and stripes”,故“stripes”在本句中富含引申为“各地;各行各业”;“critics”的意义为“批判家们”;
?“critics of all stripes”的意义为“各类批判家们”;?“debate”的意义为“争辩”;
?“the social implications of these changes”的意义为“这些改变(所带来)的社领会义”;
第二分句为:but few have looked at the side effect:;
“side effect”的意义为“负面效应,副作用”;
第三分句为:family risk has risen aswell;
?“has risen as well”的意义为“也上升了,也添加了”;
?scholars, policymakers, andcritics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well.
布景墙:美利坚合众国的国旗旗面由13道红白相间的宽条构成,左上角还有一个包括了50颗白色小五角星的蓝色长方形。50颗小老婆代表了美国的50个州,而13条间纹则标志着美国最早建国时的13块殖民地。华盛顿特区不归于任何一个州。旗面赤色标志勇气,白色标志真理,蓝色则标志正义。旗号俗称“星条旗”(stars and stripes),正式称号“合众国旗”(the flag of the united states)。
as a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback — a back-up earner(usually mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laidoff or fell sick.
business, more than anyother occupation, is a continual dealing with the future; it is a continual calculation, an instinctive exercise in foresight.(by henry luce , apublisher and the founder of?times)