

[a] further.
[b] around.
[d] along.

①it is satisfying to stretch. ②try setting _______?some time each week to read books that are a bit challenging —?a dense biography, a religious work w

ritten hundreds of years ago, a scientific book with a lot of unfamiliar terminology. ③i used the habit-formation strategy of scheduling to form the habit of doing “study reading” each weekend, to ensure that i make time read books that i may not exactly feel like picking up, but that i’m very glad i read. ④besides, listening to a book can be a way to experience it in a terrific new way, and makes books available in situations where it’s impossible to read —?say, when driving.?⑤also, if you’re trying to form a habit, it’s also a great way to use the strategy of pairing.?⑥if you don’t particularly enjoy going for a daily walk, but want to get that exercise, try pairing your walk with an engaging audio-book. ⑦the time will fly.?



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