
原标题:2023考研英语词汇128 个熟词僻意词收拾汇总


1.administrate v.施行,实施;给予,投(药)

administrate rites/administrate drugs/ administer justice 施行典礼/运用药物/实施审判


address this issue 处置这个疑问.

the president addressed the nation during the war.总统在战时对全国宣告讲演。

3.air n.神态,架子

there is a high air in his tone.


on the air 用无线电传达

4.anchor n.主播 v. 抛锚泊船;把……固定住

she anchored the gig before it was too late.


5.appropriate vt. 擅用,移用,占用,盗用

we have to appropriate more resource if we want to win.假定咱们想赢的话,咱们必需移用更多的本钱。

6.associate adj.(官职)副的 n. 火伴,火伴

he is pretty young as an associate professor.作为一个副教授来说,他很年青。

7.balance n. 差额;结余,余款

we will check the balance sheet before we put any more money in your company.


8.bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞),打眼,钻探

i am bored from all the boring work.


9.boss v. 指挥,分配,指挥若定

don’t boss me around.别评头论足的。

10. combination” n. 化合物;密码

the combination is too hard to crack. 密码太难破解了。

11. complex n. 行.联合体;情结

an iron and steel complex 钢铁联合公司

inferiority complex 自卑心境

12. complication n. 凌乱,纠缠;并发症; 紊乱

the jury will have to reconsider the verdict because of certain complications

involved. 因为一些凌乱的情况的介入,陪审团有必要得从头思考审判成果。

13. dial n.钟(表)面,刻度盘,拨号盘

the dial is luminous so you can see the clock in dark.


14. displacement n. 行.移置;替代; 位移;排水量

displacement is the actual distance between two sites.位移是两点问的实践间隔。

the largest displacement of civilian population since world war two a ship with a displacement of 10000 tonnes.

15. extension n. 电话分机

16. fare v. 过活,日子; 发展

you may go farther and fare worse.


17.file n. 锉刀.锉

manicurists are skilled at shaping and filing nails.


filed for divorce ?出离婚

18.harbor/harbour n. 流亡所,藏身处.vt 藏匿,窝藏,包 庇 harbor the criminal 躲藏罪犯

19. hearing n. 具体询问;听证会

her hearing 听觉 is poor. he is hearing-impaired= he is not able to hear well. 他听觉受损。

20. hearty adj. 丰富的 breakfast ;诚心的;健旺的 man;n. 兄弟们,火伴们 heartily adv. 极端地;激烈地

most afghans are heartily sick of war。大大都阿富汗人极端厌烦战争。

21. jealous adj. 猜忌的,警惕的(of) be jealous of wealth.

jealousy n. 吃醋,戒备

22. lame adj. 站不住脚的,有缺陷的 cripple

that’s a lame idea.真是个糟糕的主见。

23. minute adj. 细小的(不平等),微细的;具体的 v.将……记载下来

24. mission n. 使团,代表团; 使命

entertain a foreign mission 款待一个外国使团

25. motion vt. 打手势. n.?议,动议

an urgent motion -个紧迫的动议 in motion 在进行中

26. nail v. 将……钉牢,钉住;搞

定 he totally nailed the job.


hit the nail on the head.正中要害;戳穿

27. negative n. 负数;(拍摄)底片

28. nerve n. 英勇,胆量 gut

have the nerves to do sth.有勇气去做某事

29. at odds (with)(与)……纷歧致;差异;争论

30. overall 以.[pl.](套头)作服,工装

31.panel n. 面,板;控制板,表面盘;专门小组

judge panel 裁判团

32. proceedings n. 学报; 诉讼, 议程,回想记载

33.scale n.刻度,标度;天平,磅秤;比例尺;音阶;鱼鳞

34.sophisticated adj. 顶级的, 的;老到的老于圆滑 的 sophisticate v. 弄凌乱,误解

35. specifications n. 标准,阐明书,标准

36.speculate vt. 投机,估测,思索 about/that;

they speculated in/on property 投机房地产

37.straw n. 吸管;签 adj.一文不值的东西 draw straws 抽签

38. stroke n. 击,敲;报时的钟声;一击,一划,一笔;一次尽力;中风;抚摸

a stroke of genius 天才之举

he had a stroke at dinner。晚饭的时分他中风了。

39.tap n. 塞子,龙头; v. 轻拍, 轻叩,轻敲;

40.tender adj. 嫩的;脆弱的;活络的;温柔的,温的 vt.使柔软 vi.?出,?供;投标 全国共同行为。

the president tendered his resignation. 总统递送了他的辞呈。

41.by the same token 因为相同缘由,相同地

he doesn’t have the proper clearance to go 他没有去那里的恰当答应。

42.trust n. 期望,期望;托付,信任;托拉斯(独占)

43.utter v.说,表达;宣告(声响) adj.完全的,完全的

44. upset v.打翻,推翻 ;推翻;扰 乱 upset a room 弄乱房间

45.variation n.变种,变异 gene variation

46. venture v.斗胆标明 n.冒险作业

joint venture 合资公司 venture to do sth.冒险做某事

47.wage u.进行,打开

wage a war 建议战争

48. yield n. 出产,生长;产量 v 屈从,遵守(to).

how much can you yield from that field?


he never yielded during the interrogation.


49. chance 行.机缘口.可巧;冒险

chance doing sth.冒险做某事

i chanced to be there.我可巧在那儿

50.cement n.水泥 vt. 安靖

this item has cemented our friendship.

51. pool n.水池口,集资,合资

we pooled our money to build a house.


52. bleed v.流血,敲诈

the blackmailer bled him for$20,000.


53. bug n.小缺陷口.烦扰,打扰

he always bugs me.他老是烦扰我。

54.blunt adj.钝的口.削弱,消弱

her bad behavior blunted his interest to her.


55. context n.上下文; 环境

environment context 前史环境

56. connection n.联络,联络;

personal connection 私家联


57. concert n.音乐会;一同,共同.调和

the whole nation acted in concert. 全国共同行为。

58. cite v.援引;引证;赞誉或奖赏+活泼信息; 指控或传讯+低沉信息

59. clearance n.收拾,铲除;附和,官方答应,收据

he doesn’t have the proper clearance to go there。


60. discount v.打折;冷酷;无视

he discounted his expense in his plan.在他的方案里他无视了花费。

61. cushion n.垫子 vt.缓冲

welfare provides a cushion against hardship.


62. crisp n.脆的;洁净稳当的,简明简明的

63. cream n.精华

he is the cream of the crop.


64. fiction n.小说,编造,虚

构 65.definition 分辩率 清楚度

66. drain v.排干;耗尽;干涸

i feel completely drained.


67. drive n.驾御;干劲;能动性

lack drive and ambition 短少干劲和宏愿

68. employ n./vt.雇佣;运用

employ sb.雇佣或人 employ sth.运用某物

you employ knife, fork and spoon in eating.


69.frontier n.鸿沟;顶级领域,新领域,抢先的

70. fossil n.化石. adj 顽固的,保存的

71.firework n.烟火;热情迸发;发火,发怒

72.grip v.抓,招引……的留心

73.gross n. 总的;严峻的;粗鄙的

the court found the doctor guilty of gross.


74.hatch v.孵出;思考,策划

75.hinge n.绞链;折叶;要害

76.mean n.均匀值;[pl.]办法,办法,引申 adj,鄙俗的,鄙俗的(?0旆ǖ摹?

77. lever n. 杠杆;办法,办法

78.pattern n.款式 v.仿照,仿制

he patterned himself on a man he admired.


79. particular adj.特另外;讲究的,挑剔的 n.具体阐明;特别项目

be particular about 对……讲究

80. overhead n.天花板;头顶物 n.(财会)常常性的费用;房租、水电费等

81.momentum n.动力;冲量;气势

82.milk v.挤奶;克扣,敲诈

he milk his rich aunt until she hadn’t a penny left.


83. practice n.操练;常规,习气; 实习 it

is his practice/hobby to sleep late.


84.preface n.序文,前语;前奏,……的初步

85.reflect vt.反射,反应;细心思考;反省

86.readily adj,愿意地;简略地

87.provision n.供给,?供;条款或规则

according to the contract’s provision 根据合同的条款

88.provincial 省的,省级的;眼光狭隘的

89. province.省;规模,领域

90.property n.工业;性质,功能

many plants have medical properties.


91.start v. 开动,建议;创始,兴办

start (up) the engine 建议引擎

start a newspaper 兴办报纸

92.spark n.火花,火星 n.奇妙,一点儿。,发


a spark of=a minute of -点儿

spark the creativity 激起创造性

93.school n.学院,学校;学派

there are various schools on this subject.


many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.许多母亲用


94.satisfaction n. 满足;抵偿

if you can’t get any satisfaction, complain to the park owner.


95. sandwich n.三明治口.参加或挤入

he was sandwiched between the two powers.


96. sample n. 样本,标本 v. 领会,测验

sample the country life 领会村庄日子

97.run v,运营,打点;竞选

in the long run 从长远来看 in the short run 从短期来

看 run for the president 竞选总统

98.rest n.歇息,取决于,归因于(写作)

rest on at least two factors 至少取决于 2 个因

素 rely on – rest on 依托

99. principal n.大学校长;本钱,资金

100. preparation.预备;制剂,制品

a preparation for cleaning metals


101. second num.第二 vt.撑持,附和

second the proposal 撑持这项?议

102.scratch v.抓,挠,搔,起跑线 start

from scratch 从头初步,赤手发家

103. weather v. 饱尝,遭受,使分吹雨打 adj. 露天的 ,顶风的

unpainted wooden furniture weathers to a grey color.


if you weather a difficult time or a difficult situation, you survive it and are

able to continue normally after it has passed or ended. 饱尝住

the company has weathered the recession.


104. institution n. 准则;风俗

i believe in the institution of marriage.


105. function n. (数学) 函数;功用;责任

his function is similar to a judge. 他


106. disposition n. (心里)性格;(军事)安设,倾向; 处置

the twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in disposition.

这对孪生兄弟表面很相像, 但性格却相差很大。

107. might n. 权力;力气;实力

the might of the army could prove a decisive factor.


108. discipline n. 学科;纪律;练习;赏罚 vt. 练习,训导;惩戒

we’re looking for people from a wide range of disciplines.


109. assume vt. 承担;假定;采纳;呈现 vi. 装模作样;多管闲事

6he managed to assume an air of calm.


110. advantage n. 优势;利益;有利条件 vi. 获利 vt. 有利于;使处于优势

she took advantage of him even after they were divorced.


111. preserve v. 贮藏

to preserve talents 贮藏人才

112. shaky adj. 摇晃的; 无根据的; 不坚决的;不可以靠的

shaky evidence 站不住脚的理论

13. credit n. 诺言;学分;声威 vt. 信赖;归功于…

it would be wrong for us to take all the credit.


114. element n. 天然环境,成分

the area where most refugees are waiting is exposed to the elements.


115. novel adj. 新颖的,异常的

protesters found a novel way of demonstrating against steeply rising oil prices.


116.weigh v. 思考,权衡

at the same time, the american law institute — a group of judges, lawyers, and

academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight — issued new guidelines for

tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard

them with a lengthy list of possible ones. (真题 1999, text 1, paragraph 4)




117. even a. 均匀的;公正的 n. 偶数

they seemed a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform in their

bearing; they never referred to anything personal.


118.odd a. 暂时的,剩下的,新鲜的

left, until now, to odd, low-level it staff to put right, and seen as a concern

only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information

protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety. (真题

2007, text 4, paragraph 1)




119.. weather v. 反抗,战胜

this “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment

insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. (真题 2007, text

3, paragraph 2)



120.voice n. 定见,讲话权

just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science

about global warming is incomplete, that it’s ok to keep pouring fumes into the air

until we know for sure. (真题 2005, text 2, paragraph 3)



121.resume v. 从头初步,恢复

if they are not looking, the speaker assumes that they are disinterested and

either will pause until eye contact is resumed or will terminate the conversation.

(cet-6, 1997.6, passage 4, paragraph1)



122. spell n.一段时刻

despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that

transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human

brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by

decades if not centuries. (真题 2002, text 2, paragraph 4)

尽管起先在 20 世纪 60 年代和 70 年代有过一段旷达的时期,因为在其时看来,如同晶体管

电路和微处置器的打开将使他们在 2010 年可以仿照人类大脑的活动,可是迩来研讨人员现已初步


123. tired 陈腐的, 陈腐的

curiously, some two-and-a-half years and two novels later, my experiment in what the

americans term “downshifting” has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality.(真

题 2001, text 5, paragraph 2)



124. fault n. 缺陷

gross and levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and other

academics who have questioned science’s objectivity. (真题 1998, text 3, paragraph 4)


125. practice n. 常规,习气,做法

among the many shaping factors, i would single out the country’s excellent

elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of

giving premiums to inventors; and above all the american genius for nonverbal,

“spatial” thinking about things technological. (真题 1996, text 4, paragraph 2)



126. principal n. 最重要的,首要的

the principal difficulty faced by the schools has been the tremendous increase in

the number of pupils. (cet-6, 2003.6, passage 3, paragraph 1)


127. tell v. 差异,分辩,辨认

scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to

tell if the cause is a cold or flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts.

(cet-4, 2005.1, passage 1, paragraph 1)



128. land v. (使)泊岸(登入、降低)

much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as “steering the

economy to a soft landing” or “a touch on the brakes,” makes it sound like a

precise science. (真题 1997, text 5, paragraph 1)





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