

what is the meaning of corporal punishment? and what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment?

corporal punishment can be defined as physical punishment that is meted out to someone because they have done something wrong. more often than not corporal punishment involves the use of canes to beat someone. corporal punishment is normally meted out to children in schools by teachers and at homes by parents or guardians.

the advantages of corporal punishment

it helps to serve as a deterrent. when children see that someone has been whipped for misbehaving, they try not to do similar things in order to avoid getting whipped.
with corporal punishment, parents are able to bring their children under control. there are certain children who can only be controlled through the use of the cane.
corporal punishment helps make children obedient, respectful, polite, etc. in the absence of corporal punishment, children likely go wild.
corporal punishment in school makes students take their studies seriously and also helps keep the students under control.
authorities are able to instill discipline in children through the use of corporal punishment in schools.
it makes very recalcitrant and stubborn children submit to authority because they fear that if th

ey don’t do the right thing they just might be whipped.

the disadvantages of corporal punishment

it can be very counterproductive in the sense that it can sometimes make children hardened and no longer afraid.
it is very hurtful and can cause severe injuries to a child. this is the reason why in so many places it has been banned in schools.
corporal punishment strikes severe fear in the hearts and minds of students and can easily make them to drop out of school. here, they are so afraid that they would be whipped for the least mistake they do. and this constant fear can make the students to drop out of school.
corporal punishment is very painful and is inhumane or cruel to use whips or canes to lash someone. simply put, it is a barbaric practice.
human rights organizations and advocates all over the world consider corporal punishment on children to be a form of child abuse.
when corporal punishment is used excessively in schools and at homes, it has the tendency of making children very hostile to their teachers or parents. this can lead to some children fighting back – especially when the pain gets too much to take.
corporal punishment can scar children or disfigure them for life – both physically and mentally.
another disadvantage of corporal punishment is the fact that it can land the one meting out the physical punishment in big trouble. for example, if in the course of beating the child, the child suddenly gets severely injured or dies from the beating, then the teacher, parent, or guardian meting out the punishment will face the wrath of the law.

should corporal punishment be abolished?

having taken a look at the advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment, i personally think that the disadvantages of corporal punishment far outweigh the advantages and for that reason i really think it should be abolished everywhere.????



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